Knowledge Base and FAQ
What is Herb & Fable?
Herb & Fable is a new immersive, fun and educational game that focuses on Herbology, Witchcraft, Connection and Nature!
Currently in open beta!
You can follow development by joining/following our social media.
If you’re into plants, trees, folklore and remedies, using ritual and energies to develop your life and world in a positive way and being part of nature – you are going to love Herb & Fable!
Opportunities to connect and learn with others or simply follow the path by yourself, you’ll learn real skills that are transferable to your real life and world.
Whether you have access to nature in your life or you don’t – perhaps you live in the city, or you can’t get outdoors for whatever reason – Herb & Fable will allow you to experience the joy of growing and nurturing for your own herbs, plants and trees, your own animal friends and so much more. And you’ll be learning as you play!
How will you access Herb & Fable?
Herb & Fable takes place in a virtual world with 21 years of experience in making immersive and enjoyable activities. You’ll be able to join Herb & Fable in Second Life!
Visit the Herb & Fable store in Second Life and get started NOW:
How will you access Herb & Fable?
Herb & Fable takes place in a virtual world with 21 years of experience in making immersive and enjoyable activities. You’ll be able to join Herb & Fable in Second Life!
If you are already a resident of Second Life you can find Herb & Fable at:
If you don't know what Second Life is or how to join here is some more info for you:
Second Life is a virtual world - you can think of it a little bit like a video game - except there is much more freedom to be and do whatever you feel drawn to. Herb & Fable is a game within this virtual world. To play Herb & Fable you'll need to sign up to Second Life first - in the future you'll be able to do that right here and access it straight from the Herb & Fable website. But for now - to create your Second Life account please head over to the Second Life Website to join.
Wouldn't it be better if people just went out into actual real nature instead of being sat at a screen doing this?
Probably yes! The great thing about Herb & Fable is that is provides transferable skills - things that you'll learn about the plants and nature and witchcraft and connection you'll be able to take to real life if that is something that is available to you. And you'll be learning and connecting with nature and others from the comfort of your own space.
Of course not everyone has access to these things. You might be bed bound, disabled, or live in the city. You might live in arid land where few of these plants live, be isolated, or you might struggle to access natural spaces for whatever reason. Herb & Fable is for everyone - wherever you are and whatever your circumstances.
What if I don't want to learn about plants and all that stuff - I just want to play a game, have some fun and keep it SL?
No problem! You choose how you interact with Herb& Fable - yes it's a great learning tool but it doesn't have to be - it's also a great fun game to play on your own or with friends.
Where is the Herb & Fable Store?
You can find the Herb & Fable store in-world in Second Life on the Centauria region:
What are the "Pathways" in Herb & Fable?
The pathways of Herb & Fable are like paths through a forest. Sometimes they may cross each other and sometimes they may meander further away from each other. There are currently 4 pathways. Herbology (The study of plants, herbs and trees), witchcraft, connection and nature.
What is Herbology and how does is feature in "Herb & Fable"?
Herbology is the study of plants. This may include herbal plants, flowering plants, trees and fungi. You’ll learn about the different plants as you plant them, care for them, harvest them and use them. Sometimes you’ll start with seeds in a pot in the greenhouse, sometimes you’ll start with seeds in the ground. Sometimes you’ll harvest the leaves, the seeds, the roots, the flowers, or the fruits. Or maybe you’ll harvest fibers to later make into a garment or rope. Sometimes you’ll need specialist equipment like gloves to harvest a plant to avoid getting stung or poisoned. The plants you will see during these processes are crafted to be as accurate as possible within the limits of 3D modelling - so you’ll be learning real life skills in identifying and looking after your plants.
As you learn more about plants and gain herbology experience and badges you’ll gain access to more plants and more treatment processes for use. Starting with common and very safe plants you are able to grow things like nettles, rosemary and dandelions - to make tea, or cake, or incense.
As you gain experience and knowledge you’ll have access to rarer plants or learn about more dangerous plants that contain toxins. You’ll learn how to make tinctures, or salves, or essential oils.
You’ll be able to grow your own plants but you’ll also have the opportunity to forage for plants from other players across the grid. And you might decide to offer plants to forage from your own garden or lands.
What is Witchcraft and how does is feature in "Herb & Fable"?
Using nature, the elements and energy with intent can make changes around you, for you and by you. “Witch” was a name invented as an accusation of evil to use as a weapon against those who didn’t conform to the new religious practices and beliefs that were becoming popular across the world from around the 16th/17th Century - witches were actually wise people, empaths, healers, and philosophers.
In more modern times many people from many backgrounds have adopted the name “witch” as a positive term. It has no gender and anyone can practice witchcraft to enhance their life and the world around them. Here, you’ll learn some of the wisdom and practices passed down over generations.
When we talk of magic it can have many meanings - even science and history are full of magic. Herb & Fable views the study and use of witchcraft and magic as a positive pathway to self development and personal growth. We’ll invite you to take a magical journey.
What does Connection mean and how do I use Connection in "Herb & Fable"?
Connection can be to others, to the self, to source (whatever that means to you). Connection to ancestors, to history, to knowledge. Connection to nature or connection to magic. There are a number of activities within Herb & Fable that encourage connection in some way - whether it be offering items to others for foraging, buying and selling items to fellow players, attending community events and quests or taking part in a ritual or meditation - and more.
How does nature play a part in "Herb & Fable"?
You can’t really take part in many of the other pathways without engaging with nature in some way. In this pathway we link them all together and also provide a place where animals and minerals might also reside. Where weather and the land can be explored.
What are the differen types of XP in "Herb & Fable" and the different levels?
XP - these are overall experience points and are earned over time and by doing some activities. You will earn an XP point every half hour that you are in PLAY mode. When you are Away, or if you manually enter “Out of Character” mode (OOC) you will only earn 1 XP point during your entire OOC period. If your prana attribute reaches zero you will die and no longer earn XP. You will need to heal yourself to continue earning XP.
Levels - These are overall Levels and are achieved by earning XP. When you level up your XP reverts to zero and you start accumulating XP toward the next level.
HXP - these are experience points specific to HERBOLOGY - they are earned by interacting with and completing herbalism activities.
HLevels - These are Herbology Levels and are achieved by earning HXP. When you level up your HXP reverts to zero and you start accumulating HXP toward the next HLevel. Certain activities and prizes will only be available to players who have achieved a certain HLevel combined with having achieved certain badges.
WXP - these are experience points specific to WITCHCRAFT - they are earned by interacting with and completing witchcraft activities.
WLevels - These are Witchcraft Levels and are achieved by earning WXP. When you level up your WXP reverts to zero and you start accumulating WXP toward the next WLevel. Certain activities and prizes will only be available to players who have achieved a certain WLevel combined with having achieved certain badges.
CXP - these are experience points specific to CONNECTION - they are earned by interacting with and completing connection activities.
CLevels - These are Connection Levels and are achieved by earning CXP. When you level up your CXP reverts to zero and you start accumulating CXP toward the next CLevel. Certain activities and prizes will only be available to players who have achieved a certain CLevel combined with having achieved certain badges.
NXP - these are experience points specific to NATURE - they are earned by interacting with and completing nature activities.
NLevels - These are Nature Levels and are achieved by earning NXP. When you level up your NXP reverts to zero and you start accumulating NXP toward the next NLevel. Certain activities and prizes will only be available to players who have achieved a certain NLevel combined with having achieved certain badges.
What are Classes?
Classes are simply titles that you resonate with. You can choose your own class from the available classes and you can change it as often as you like. It will show above your head on your meter.
The available classes are currently:
Kitchen Witch
Green Witch
Hedge Witch
Eclectic Witch
Baby Witch
Herb Lover
Star Gazer
High Priestess
High Priest
There will be opportunities in the future for classes to be added to the list. There is also the ability to have a fully custom Label on your meter as well - so if there is something not on the list you would like you can use the label feature.
We do not offer definitions for these classes because people tend to define them how they wish. Go with what resonates with you - do some research online or ask other players in the Discord chat if you're not sure. But remember - ask 100 different people what any of these terms mean - you may get 100 different answers.
What are the attributes in Herb & Fable?
The number displayed above your head is the remaining percentage of these prana points. If you lose all your prana you will die and need to heal yourself before you can start earning XP and Pathway XP points again.
How much power a player has in terms of physical energy and esoteric energy. Power can be affected by other Attributes. For example, low connection or when fatigued or sick will have an effect on power.
Emotional well-being can be affected by (or affect) happiness, harmony, health, fatigue, sickness.
Spirituality means different things to different people so for Herb & Fable it’s important that we share what we mean by spirituality. In the context of Herb & Fable, spirituality simply means that which is beyond the self, whatever that might be for you as an individual. Which path you take for your own spirituality is entirely your own choice. You’ll find no dogma here.
Whether it be an organised religion like Christianity, Islam, or Wiccan - a more philosophical path such as the Tao, or Buddhism - a spiritual pathway such as Druidry, Animism, Shamanism or Heathenry - or exploring the inner workings of your own energies, mind and bodies.
Whatever your spiritual pathway - including no specific belief or structure at all - wherever you are from and wherever your ancestors were from - you’ll still find some of the activities within Herb & Fable fun, fulfilling and enriching.
You’ll never be required to take part in any spiritual activities to enjoy Herb & Fable. You are always in control and you get to choose what you take part in and what you don’t.
Loss of vitality is the feeling of getting tired and needing to rest, players get tired from activities, they may need to do something restful to revive vitality, low values affect other attributes.
The feeling of getting sick and needing medications, low values affect other attributes.
Happiness will decrease if you do not engage in activities that feed your soul. Happiness can be affected by (or might affect) harmony, emotional wellbeing, and health.
What are badges and how do I earn them?
Badges are specific to activities and can only be earned once. You will earn badges as you take part in certain activities in "Herb & Fable". They are required to unlock certain activities and prizes when combined with HXP, WXP, CXP and NXP. When you earn a badge it will appear in your profile on the Herb & Fable website and you will also receive a physical badge in-world that you can build a badge display with if you want to.
What are Fleurins?
Fleurins (coin/currency) (F$) : Used to buy in-game items and can be earned or sourced from in-game activities. Can be traded with other players or used to redeem prizes.
Sidenote: The name "Fleurin" is a play on words - Fleur means flower in French and a Florin is an old term for various monetary coins in Europe - first used in Florence in 1252.
How do I get Fleurins (F$?)
You get a small amount of fleurins when you start playing Herb & Fable. You earn a few fleurins each time you level up. You can buy F$ with L$ from a Herb & Fable ATM. You could work for Fleurins in roleplay with other players. You could sell produce or ingredient crates to other players for F$.
How do I give F$ to another Herb & Fable player?
Add your wallet HUD.
Click it and choose "Transfer"
Choose who you want to pay from the list of names given in the dialog box.
Type in the box how many F$ you would like to give them.
If the person is a Herb & Fable player - the amount of F$ will be transferred to them - you will see in chat how many F$ you had before the transaction, how much has been transferred and how many F$ you have after the transaction.
All player to player F$ transactions are logged in the database.
What are "Processors" in Herb & Fable and how do I use them?
Processors are what we use to process a recipe. Recipes are simply the makeup of how we make something. They could be recipes like for food (a cake or biscuits, etc), or a recipe that represents the things you need to make something (like wood for a fire, etc). Processors work with recipes.
In Herb & Fable there are currently standard processors and special processors.
Standard processors include things like Ovens, Juicers, Drying Racks, Pestle & Mortars, Mixing Bowls, etc. Standard processors can process any recipe that is able to use a standard processor. It makes sense though to keep recipes that would need juicing for example, in a juicer and something like cake mix in a mixing bowl.
The most basic standard processors can hold up to 10 recipes each (5 in the beta pack), so while it doesn't really matter which recipes go in what processors, you'll likely need to have multiple processors so you may as well put suitable recipes in them from the start - it also makes the roleplay nicer for you.
You can purchase Super Standard Processors - these are still standard processors and work the same but they will hold more recipes making it perhaps easier for you to organise your roleplay work areas.
You can't clear or transfer recipes from processors. You can add recipes to a processor (as long as the recipes exist). You can transfer processors to other players - they will retain their recipes.
At the moment processors are only available from Herb & Fable but we're working on making it possible for third party creators to create processors for you too.
Special Processors are required for certain special recipes. For example - the Herb & Fable Protection Ritual requires the special protection ritual HUD in order for you to complete the ritual and earn the badge. This is because they are specially scripted for you to have an immersive ritual experience that just would be possible if you threw it in an Oven! These special recipes will NOT work if you put them into a standard processor....but they will take a recipe slot and use don't waste your resources.
When a processor is processing it must not be interrupted. If you take the processor back into your inventory before it has finished you will lose your ingredients and you will not receive your item or badge(s) or special XP.
If you are using a rezzed processor - you can log off before it finishes and the item and badge(s) will still be sent to pending. You can retrieve them next time you login using the User Mailbox.
If you are using a worn processor (like the mortar or the mixing bowl for example) you must not log off before it has finished processing. If you are logged off your worn item is no longer in-world and can not complete. Technically you can rezz these processors but you will get some script errors about animation permissions.
What is the User Mailbox and how do I use it?
The user mailbox holds information about pending deliveries from processors that completed while you were offline. Rezz a mailbox (you can rezz only one at a time) and touch it - it will check to see if you have any pending deliveries and trigger them to be delivered to you.
What is the pouch for and when do I need to wear it?
You pouch shows you what ingredients you have. They're not stored there though - they are safely stored in the H&F database - the pouch just shows you what you have when you're in-world. The pouch also allows you to give items you have to someone nearby.
To give someone something from your pouch, first ensure you are wearing the pouch (HUD). Click it and choose "Give", then select the name of the person you wish to give something to. If they are a registered Herb & Fable player a dialog box will invite you to write the name of the item you wish to give. Pro Tip - if you press "content" beforehand you'll have all your ingredients listed in local chat and you'll be able to copy / paste from there). Next you'll be asked how much of the item you wish to give. Choose an amount and the items will be given to the other player.
The other player does not need to be wearing their pouch to receive the items from you.
What are storage crates?
Storage crates allow you to transfer some of your pouch items (which are generally stored in the database) into a storage crate in-world. You can then sell the crate if you wish to another player. This enables you to sell your surplus pouch ingredients to other players. You can take the ingredients into your pouch from the crate too if you change your mind or if you buy a crate from another player.
How can 3rd party creators get involved and make things for Herb & Fable?
There are a few ways that 3rd party creators can get involved and join the Herb & Fable family.
Essentially anyone can make produce to sell, gift or make available for use to Herb & Fable players. You can buy the transferable scripts (nocopy/nomod/trans) to pop into your items to sell. Produce affects a player’s attributes (The Prana, Power, Emotional Wellbeing, Spirituality, Vitality, Wellness and Happiness. They don’t affect XP and they don’t have badges. You can sell your produce for L$ or F$ (in-game currency), you can give them away as gifts or you can leave them out somewhere accessible for others to use (useful for bringing traffic to an area). Produce is always transferable.
Transferable produce scripts are available in packs of 5 and packs of 10. You will use one transferable script for each item of produce that you sell. Approved creators who are making produce to be given as rewards in recipes will have access to copy/trans scripts that MUST have their perms changed to TRANS ONLY before distribution.
The scripts are placed into an object created by you (you MUST show as the creator on the root prim – you can use full perm items and attach them to a prim as root). In addition to the script you will place a config notecard containing details about your produce item. You can assign how much each attribute will be healed or damaged (max is 100 on each) and how many uses the produce has (max 10).
Approved creators can submit ingredients to be added to the database and these can be used in yours and others’ recipes. Ingredients are submitted for approval in-world using a simple console. Your ingredients will also be made available for others to use in their recipes (which means more sales for you!). Ingredients are generally original mesh of high quality and good optimisation. When you have an ingredient approved you are sent the script to pop into your mesh item to sell or give to your customers. Ingredients scripts are delivered copy/trans/nomod and you MUST change the perms to TRANSFER ONLY before you sell. There is a fee for each ingredient script you are sent (tbc).
During the beta phase only creators of ingredients can develop recipes but it is intended that everyone will be able to develop recipes in the future. Recipes use ingredients to make something – that might be food or drink, or it might be some kind of crafting or such – the possibilities are endless really as long as you have something to give when someone completes a recipe. Recipes can give badges upon completion of production and can give XP to one of the pathways i.e. Herbology, Witchcraft, Connection or Nature. Items given as rewards for completing recipes must be of high quality, optimised mesh.
Approved creators can create equipment for processing recipes. The workflow for this is still in development.
How do I sell my produce or crates to other players?
You can sell your produce and ingredient crates to other players for L$ or F$. There are Herb & Fable player vendors available for doing just that.
Of course if you're selling for L$ you can use pretty much any vendor system that will sell transferable items. You might be thinking "why would I choose to sell with F$ over L$?" or vice versa - I think this will come down to what people will be willing to pay with. If you have a super rare item they might pay L$ for it, but it might be better for you to sell with F$ over having an item sat there with nobody will to buy it with L$.